If Your Website Has  Any Of These 9 Problems It’s Hurting Your Business


Problem #1


When the web first became a reality it was natural to put a website up that was pretty much an online version of a brochure for the business. It was very cool that your business had an online presence that the whole world could see. It was better than advertising in the Yellow Pages because it didn’t cost a ton of money and you could publish a lot of information about what your business does, it’s location and  contact information.

The first Business Brochure Type Websites became popular when the search engines were born. That was circa 1993 or there about. A lot has changed since then. My point being, if your website is basically an online version of your business that concept is well over 20 years old and that’s a problem for your business. It’s well past the time to do something about it.

How can you expect to be competitive when your competitors have taken their websites to the next level.

Problem #2


A static website is one that never changes and nothing new is ever added to it. This hurts your business in a couple of ways. First, what reason would anyone have to come back to your site once they have seen it. Second, all the search engines will penalize your listings because there’s nothing new on your site.

A static website ends up so deep in the search listings that no one ever sees it. It’s practically useless. It’s not doing your business any good at all.

In the world of today your website needs to engage visitors by publishing fresh new content on a consistent basis. That’s why blog content has become so popular.

Problem #3


If your website is more about you than about benefits for your visitors, that’s a problem. When someone visits your site they are there looking to solve a problem or find a product that will meet their needs. They could care less about what you say regarding how wonderful you are and why you are the best.

The first thing they want to know is, do you have what they are looking for. Then they want to know if your business is honest and trustworthy. They will want to know what others think of you.

Problem #4


Your website needs to have one or more offers with a Call To Action. A Call To Action is when you ask a visitor to do something like “Click Here” or “Subscribe”. You need to tell visitors what you want them to do. However, it’s important to understand that a good CTA must be accompanied by a perceived benefit or you won’t get them to take action. Don’t assume they’ll know what you want.

Problem #5


Visitors on your site have a very short attention span. They’re not going to wade through long sections of text. Your website needs to be using video for better visitor engagement.

Don’t make them work to get what they’re looking for. If they don’t land on something that gets their attention quickly they just leave. Video helps to solve that problem. It makes it easier to get their interest and keep them on your site longer.

Problem #6


If your website doesn’t have a way to use social media to drive traffic you are missing the party, big time. Social media is where the party about your business is happening.

This is your big opportunity to participate in a conversation with your customers. Just remember it’s social. It’s not the place to pitch your products.

Social media when done right provides a positive connection to your business that drives traffic to you.

Problem #7


If your website doesn’t have a way to build an email list or is struggling to build one you are missing out on one of the best marketing tools there is to generate more business.

It’s not enough to just ask a visitor to give you their email address or subscribe. Visitors are more reluctant than ever to give that up.

You must provide a significant incentive or bribe if you will to get them on your list. There’s more though. You can’t just spam them with offers. Too many businesses are doing that and thus the reluctance for their willingness to subscribe.

Once you get their email address it’s important not to contact them too frequently either. Just send out content that they will look forward to getting. If you do it right you can still get in promotional messages without annoying them which will get an unsubscribe quicker than a blink of an eye.

Problem #8


Are you using social proof on your website. If not, that’s a huge mistake. Social proof is the confirmation that others trust and recommend your business. Visitors need to see testimonials and/or customer reviews before they decide to do business with you.

Problem #9


You can be a great company to do business with but if you aren’t recognized as a dominant authority in your market your business will suffer for it.

To establish more dominance in your market you must be active on social media but more importantly you must put out fresh relevant content on a regular basis.

Every piece of good content builds your public recognition and also gets favoritism from the search engines. The more content you publish the more dominance you will establish in the marketplace. Your publications will rise in the search engines which works to drive more and more business over time.

Click HereTo Have Your Website Reviewed For Problems That Are Hurting Your Business